検索検索Recent PostsWe are usually closed on Sundays, but today March 30th.OTIS restaurant will be open in the evening for Gypsy jazz session. Admission is free.Doors open at 5:00 PM, and session starts at 7:00 PM. Our regular food menu will be available.We are looking forward to seeing you. Today, March 29th (Saturday), we are closed for regular daytime business. In the evening, we will host a live performance and open at 19:00 for the music. There is a music charge of 1,500 yen. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. Today.Please note that we will close at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, the 26th. We will reopen in the evening at 6:00 PM.Thank you for your understanding! Our credit card reader is currently out of order, and credit card payments cannot be processed today. Since it requires repair or replacement, we will be unable to accept credit card payments for some time.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Thank you. We are open as usual today. We look forward to seeing you!March 24th monday. Recent Comments表示できるコメントはありません。Archives2025年3月2025年2月2025年1月2024年12月2023年9月2023年8月2023年3月Categories Uncategorized お知らせ ニュース 日付 6 / 1 (木) This event has ended. 時刻 7:00 am 猛烈トリオ ジャックブルースの名曲難曲 フランクザッパの名曲難曲 そしてオリジナルを中心に このすごいメンバーが猛烈にやらかします! スピード感半端なし サックス 田中邦和 ベース 佐藤研二 ドラム 江藤良人 開場6:30pm 開演7:00pm 前売 3500円 当日 4000円 それぞれ別途ドリンク代600円必要です このイベントをシェアする