メールついて 2023 8/06 Uncategorized 2023-08-06 ただいまメールソフトの不調が続いており、受信はできますが、返信ができません。返信できない場合もあります。何卒ご了承ください Uncategorized よかったらシェアしてね! URLをコピーしました! URLをコピーしました! august 6th . tonight we have a memorial liveshow,so open 17:00. ライブなどご予約の際のメールに不具合が続いており、受信は出来ますが、送信が出来ません、何卒ご了解ください。 関連記事 today Dec 5th we will have a music.Trumpet & ContraBass plays Deep feeling & beautiful jazz.Open 18:30 Start 19:00Entry fee 3500yen adv. per person.Foods menus are as usual. 2024-12-05 Today Dec.1th ,sunday. We open 5:30pm for music.Entry is free.but donation are welcome.Today is 4 member of singer song writer plays,lylicks are japanese.Our foods menu are usual. 2024-12-01 Today Nov.19 We wil have a music show so we will once close pm3;00for rehearsal and settinjg,then open pm6:30 for show.Entry for show is free but donation are welcome.start pm 7:00Music are Avangard improvisation.SaxBASS GT.Our food menu are usual. 2024-11-19 Today Nov.17th ,sunday. We open 4pm for music.Today is open stage.if you like to play sing,dance ,you can do .,our foods menu are usual. 2024-11-17 Today Nov.9th we have concert but it’s sold out so night time restaurant wwill close . we are sorry.we open pm2:00 to pm3:30 only. 2024-11-09 Today.nov.3rd,we open 18:00 for music show.entry fee It’s free but if you like it we’d appreciate a donation..food menu are as usual. 2024-11-03 Sujnday NOV.3 we will have a music.BASS SOLO&SINGS(PROFFESIONAL)ETHNIC INSTRUMENTTALKING ABOUT GAZA PALESTINA.A PAINTER DRWAS A PICTURE WHILE PLAYING,.Open 18:00 Start 18:30Entry fee free but donation.Main act HAYAKAWA TAKEHARUFoods menu are as usual. 2024-11-02 today Nov 1th we will have a music.Accoustic guitar,no vocal.Open 18:30 Start 19:00Entry fee 3500yen per person.Musician 「Kishibe Masaaki」Foods menu are as usual 2024-11-01